🐊REBORN AstroGator

Game Character

There are 2 types of Reborn Astrogators and 6 rarities in total:


● Fixed golden frame, legendary rarity with two sets of gears and the GIF version of NFT

● Pure profits-collecting character with zero risk but higher acquisition cost


● A total of 5 level frames which represent different rarities with the lowest being Normal and the highest being Epic. Owns one set of gears and a still image NFT

● A character with risk that can yield profits actively and produce resources via exploring, however their profits are subject to the risks of being taxed.


Potential profit in the game can be affected by many factors in the game, such as random encounters your may runs into, the area you’re exploring, the distance bonus, set effects, etc. Stats can be increased by getting upgrades, changing outfits, unlocking achievements, etc. and give your profit a big boost.


Every Reborn Astrogator owns all following attributes.

  1. Exploration: the major attribute that affects the exploration profit

  2. Domination: the major attribute that affects the profit earned by collecting taxes

  3. Vitality: affects the range of exploration and gives a tax-collecting bonus

  4. Intelligence: reduces equipment-refining costs and increases the chance of getting a critical refinement result

  5. Strength: increases the chance of converting Crystals into Tourmalines successfully

  6. Agility: reduces cooldown for breeding

  7. Luck: increases the chance triggering resource bonuses or encountering events that give you bonus chance of catching tax-evaders as well as improving the rarity of these events

We will add in more scenarios that interact with these attributes in the phase 2 of the game which is still in development. Higher attributes provide you better profit in both the next phase of the game and the new system.

Character Level-up

Reborn Astrogators can be upgraded using Tourmalines and Crystals. Every time after you upgrade them, the upgrade system will enter a short cooldown, and you’ll have to wait until the cooldown is up to upgrade again.

Exploration and Domination will get attribute points assigned to them automatically when you upgrade. Players will receive additional attributes that can be assigned to Vitality, Intelligence, Strength, Agility or Luck freely.

Level Up to Unlock New Features

After you’ve earned 3 levels with your character, you’ll get a random equipment slot unlocked and obtain a random piece of equipment. As for DominGator, the second gear set will be unlocked 3 levels after the first gear set is unlocked, slot by slot.

Breeding feature will be unlocked at Lv. 15.

Earning 10 levels after Lv. 20 will unlock a set achievement (repeatable), and all 3 set achievements will be unlocked at Lv. 20.

When you reach Lv. 100, you’ll earn the benefits and status of a shareholder. Every shareholder can get a cut from 1% of the profit from the prize pool from the day before.

Last updated