ExploGator / Exploration Rules
Sending an ExploGator to the designated areas on an exploration trip secures not only a massive amount of resources found during the exploration, but also additional bonuses from special events.
Event encounters are rolled every 60 minutes
Basic profit is calculated based off the Exploration attribute of your character. Other than that, the area bonus, event bonus and current distance bonus also provide bonus rewards as direct multipliers.
Every time an event encounter is rolled, you’ll get +1 exploration km. The max km your character can reach during an exploration equals your Vitality. Exploration distance will not increase after the upper limit has been met, but you can keep exploring and still earn profit and run into random encounters.
There are special events that can increase your profit which you have chance of encountering when you’re out there exploring. The higher your Luck attribute is, the better the rewards from the events will be.
New areas with better and a wider range of rewards can be explored as your character progresses into higher levels.
The longest you can send your character on an exploration task and earn profit is 72 hours. Don’t forget to collect your rewards!
Strength increases your chance of converting Crystals into Tourmalines successfully.
Players can purchase Fund Bonus to increase profits earned from explorations.
You can send the Gator home any time you want, collect the earnings and claim your rewards. When collecting your earnings, you have to decide whether you want to pay your taxes or skip paying them. Paying taxes means you’ll have to share some percentage of your profit with the DominGator. On the other hand, your tax-evading efforts can pay off handsomely some times. But when it doesn’t, your deposit will be confiscated and added to the prize pool after being taxed. Your chance of avoiding paying taxes and not getting caught is determined by a event roll. After that, you’ll be offered to take your chances again with the same amount. In the situations where player disconnects from the game, you’ll accept the challenge by default.
Total Personal Profit After Tax = Σ Yields per hour*(1 - Tax Rate)
Tax Rate = (DominGator Ratio*1.9 + 10%) / (1 + DominGator Ratio), capped at 80%. Tax rate will be updated every day at 00:00 in Taiwanese Time Zone (UTC+8) .
Total Personal Profit when Evading Tax = Σ Yields per hour*(Tax-evading Success Multiplier). 0 for a failed tax-evading attempt with all your profit going into the prize pool. If you successfully evade paying taxes, you have a chance to get 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, or even 50x profit.
Yields per hour formula = Exploration^(0.8)*Area Bonus*Current Distance Bonus*Current Event Bonus*RNG value*Token Yield Deflation Parameter + Additional Fund Bonus (affected periods only)
Distance Bonus formula = 1 + Current distance in km / (1000 + current distance in km)*5
Initial distance = Vitality/2
Area Bonus: Jungle 1x, Swamp 1.1x (Lv. 20 required), Desert 1.2x (Lv. 40 required), Ice Field 1.3x (Lv. 60 required), Volcano 1.4x (Lv. 80 required)
Power Dig Metal Conversion per hour rate = Strength / (400 + Strength) + 10% (capped at 95%) When converted successfully, 5% of the Crystal profit will turn into Tourmalines.
You can purchase a fund bonus before an exploration trip. The fund bonus increases your profit by 10% at the end of your exploration (only periods that have an active fund are affected)
Fund price: 10 Tourmalines for 24 hours, 18 Tourmalines for 48 hours, and 25 Tourmalines for 72 hours.
All event formulas are listed under the Event section.
All token yields deflation parameter formulas are listed under the Tokenomics section.
Last updated