DominGator / Tax Rules
You can send your DominGator to a town for management and tax-collecting tasks. You might encounter special events that can increase your profit in the process.
Event encounters are rolled every 60 minutes.
Every time an ExploGator pays their taxes, DominGators will receive rewards. These rewards are split among DominGators based on Domination, which means the higher the attribute, the more rewards for you. Taxes collected include Crystals and Tourmalines.
There are special events that can increase your profit which you have chance of encountering while you’re busying managing things. The higher your Luck attribute is, the better the rewards from the events will be.
The longest you can send your character on management duty and earn profit is 72 hours. Don’t forget to collect your rewards!
Strength increases your chance of converting Crystals into Tourmalines successfully.
Vitality increases bonus ratio when collecting taxes.
Players can purchase Fund Bonus to increase profits earned from tax collecting efforts.
You can have the DominGator clock off any time to collect the profits and the rewards. When collecting, you’ll be given the options to simply collect or to look for tax-evading conducts. If you choose to just collect, you’ll get all the profits; on the other hand, looking for tax-evading conducts requires you to cover a fee first. If you successfully catch someone who hasn’t been paying their taxes, you’re entitled to a big bonus from the prize pool. Your chance of catching tax evaders is based on events. When you fail to find any tax evader, you’ll be offered the option of paying the same amount of fee and take your chances again. If player is disconnected from the game, the “try again” option will be selected by default.
Tax Collected by Individual = Σ Total Tax*(Domination / All Domination contributed by DominGators in the game that day)Fund BonusCurrent Event BonusVitality BonusToken Yields Deflation Parameters.
Tax-collection Vitality Bonus Formula = 1 + Vitality/(1500 + Vitality)*5
Power Refine Metal Conversion per hour rate = Strength / (1000 + Strength)(capped at 95%) When converted successfully, 5% of the gross Crystal profit will turn into Tourmalines.
Total Personal Profit when Catching a Tax Evader = Personal Tax-collecting Amount*(Catching Tax-evader Success Multiplier). You can still receiver 20% of the profit from a failed attempt with 80% your profit going into the prize pool. If you successfully catch a tax-evader, you have a chance to get 1x, 2x, 5x, 10x, or even 50x profit.
You can purchase a fund bonus before going into the Taxation Bureau. The fund bonus increases your profit by 10% at the end of your taxation management task (only periods that have an active fund are affected)
Fund price: 10 Tourmalines for 24 hours, 18 Tourmalines for 48 hours, and 25 Tourmalines for 72 hours.
All event formulas are listed under the Event section.
All token yields deflation parameter formulas are listed under the Tokenomics section.
Last updated